This just in: the Loretto Volunteer Program will receive and accept the Call To Action Leadership Award this November. This award, conferred by the Call To Action board of directors at the annual CTA conference, honors groups and individuals who embody leadership for justice in the Catholic Church. Congratulations to all current and former volunteers - and staff, supervisors and supportive Loretto members! Together, you have done important work for church justice. You have worked for change at placements in LGBT ministry and feminist theology; you have pursued education and social services work grounded in progressive spiritual values; and you have created intentional community that sustains your justice work. You have built joyful community in which queer people are welcome at the communion table, in which ecumenical and interfaith conversation is welcomed, and in which intergenerational friendships among volunteers and sisters, co-members and supervisors foster mutual inspiration. The pursuit of social justice and church justice must be grounded in relationship and community - and we trust that volunteers and the wider Loretto Volunteer family live that during their service year and long after. The Program will accept this award acknowledging and honoring its place in the broader community of faith-based service programs. Loretto is one of many programs that encourage young adults to explore and live values that encourage spiritually-grounded and community-oriented social change. All members of the Loretto family (sisters, co-members, former volunteers, members of other service corps, other supportive friends) are invited to join the festivities. This award is YOURS. Conference registration information is available here. Please email Loretto Volunteer staff Claudia Calzetta if you plan to attend - so we can try to organize an informal meet-up for the Loretto family present. Call To Action is a Catholic movement working for equality and justice in the Church and society. The 2012 recipient of this award was the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.
volunteer news
News updates on the Loretto Volunteers. archives
February 2016